The healthcare system in Micronesia is comprised of both public and private healthcare options. The public healthcare system is provided by the Ministry of Health and is available to all citizens and residents of Micronesia. Foreigners, including digital nomads and expats and digital nomads, are allowed to use the public healthcare system, however, it is not widely used by foreigners. Public hospitals are generally not recommended for serious medical emergencies or major surgery, as the quality of care is not as high as in private hospitals. Micronesia's Public Healthcare System The public healthcare system in Micronesia is provided by the Ministry of Health and is available to all citizens and residents of Micronesia. The public healthcare system is free for citizens and residents, however, foreigners may be required to pay a fee for services. Public hospitals are generally not recommended for serious medical emergencies or major surgery, as the quality of care is not as high as in private hospitals. Micronesia's Private Healthcare System The private healthcare system in Micronesia is comprised of a number of private hospitals and clinics. Private healthcare is generally more expensive than public healthcare, however, the quality of care is typically higher. Expats and digital nomads typically use private hospitals for serious medical emergencies and major surgery, as the quality of care is generally higher than in public hospitals. Micronesia's Top Hospitals The top hospitals in Micronesia include: Pohnpei State Hospital (public hospital, located in Kolonia) Kosrae State Hospital (public hospital, located in Tofol) Yap State Hospital (public hospital, located in Colonia) Chuuk State Hospital (public hospital, located in Weno) Kosrae Nautilus Resort Hospital (private hospital, located in Tofol) Kosrae Surgery Center (private hospital, located in Tofol) Yap Surgical Center (private hospital, located in Colonia) Chuuk Surgical Center (private hospital, located in Weno) Health Insurance Companies in Micronesia The most popular private health insurers in Micronesia are Pacific Blue Cross, Pacific Health Insurance, and Pacific Health Care. These companies provide health insurance coverage for both citizens and residents of Micronesia, as well as digital nomads and expats and digital nomads. Expats and digital nomads typically use these companies, rather than specialized expat health insurance providers. Insider Tips from Expats in Micronesia: How to Navigate the Health System Medical services in Micronesia vary depending on the island. Generally, there are hospitals and clinics that provide basic medical care, such as vaccinations, check-ups, and treatments for minor illnesses. Some islands also have specialists, such as dentists, optometrists, and gynecologists. However, access to medical care can be limited due to a lack of resources and infrastructure. In addition, many medical facilities lack the necessary equipment and supplies to provide comprehensive care. As a result, many people in Micronesia rely on traditional healing practices to treat illnesses, commented one member living in Micronesia. Healthcare services in Micronesia are provided by both public and private providers. The public healthcare system is funded by the government and is available to all citizens and permanent residents. The quality of public healthcare is generally good, with a range of services available including primary care, hospital care, and specialist care. Foreign residents are able to access the public healthcare system, however, they may be required to pay for some services. Expats in Micronesia can use the public healthcare system, however, they may need to pay for some services. Private healthcare is also available in Micronesia, and digital nomads and expats may choose to use this option if they wish, commented one member living in Micronesia.