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12 Tips for Living in Fort de France, Martinique | Digital Nomad Exchange
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12 Tips for Living in Fort-de-France, Martinique


An expat talks about what it's like living in Fort-de-France, Martinique. Expat life in Martinique is much different than the United States. The cost of living can be extremely high, but there are ways to live more frugally.


Expat Life in Fort-de-France

Most people move to Martinique to enjoy the beaches, music, and rum. Other move to Martinique for a sense of calmness when sitting next to the ocean's breeze. Either way what they all find in a culture unique to their own.

Cost of Living in Fort-de-France, Martinique

The cost of living in Martinique can be extremely high depending on what your pockets are reaching for. But, if your more into simplicity and minimalist living, then there shouldn't be much problem settling in. Rent can be high, but the views of the island mountains are priceless!

Local Clubs and Organizations

For English speakers there an English speaking association. For those looking more into nightlife that's of course is a basis in Martinique. Family time would be more of long walks through green lands and bookstores. And romantic date nights with your significant other tend to be under the stars.

International Schools in Fort-de-France

Although there are no international schools on the island, the islands schools sometimes offer programs to assists English or Spanish speakers. Children are more interested in cultures outside martinique. Many questions are asked and many are also welcomed!

Shopping in Fort-de-France

It is true that stores close by six no later than 8. And only one store Hyper U is open on Sunday. Other groceries like Carrefour and Leader Price open until 6 Monday through Friday, and 12 pm on Saturday. Sometimes you may find a corner store open. Or some small shops may be open in the city. Most bakeries are closed after six, except the one in Terre Saint Ville, but the rough neighborhood may keep tourists or newcomers away.

Public Transportation

Public transportation is rather high. And most are not ready to go at a specific time. Some areas have buses. While others have van travels. Taxis are available but always at a cost. This is an island to really plan your day for. Random outings too far wouldn't be advisable.


Temperatures can range from extraordinarily hot, to cool. Of course rainy days are constant. And even the dry season can seem wet. Sometime you may feel an earthquake or two. But, keep and umbrella or rain jacket with you for just in case and everything should be fine.

Restaurants and Nightlife

Restaurants serve various dishes, including the islands Caribbean meals and pizza. McDonald's is a choice as well as Burger King and KFC. But the prices are expensive and there's no dollar menus. But, plenty of small shops to eat at! Lots of different foods to taste make the shops worth the hassle!

What are local hospitals and emergency services like?

Hospitals can be a win lose situation depending on where you stay. The cost without insurance is high, but sometimes, they can find a way to work with you. Pharmacies aren't 24/7 some in some cases you may have to wait until morning to get your prescriptions. More doctors are student doctors rather than the more advanced ones. Yet, you find they have a lot of knowledge and are always happy to help.

Recreational Activities in Fort-de-France

You can find soccer fields randomly around the area as well as basket ball. Swimming and hiking seems to be the most go to sport. As long with biking and jogging. Fit ess clubs including the well known curves are also available throughout the island.

Residency and Visa Requirements

Visa requirements are needed for long stays and and most depend on where you are from. The prefecture can take time, but everyone's situation is different. There is no American embassy, yet there are representatives from time. To time here. Paper work can seem like years on months. But the process isn't too difficult.

Crime in Fort-de-France, Martinique

Crimes to be concerned about mostly include items stolen out of cars, or. Stolen phones. Murders are really not common and seem to be more domestic. Fights between islanders can be seen and some are fatal. Prostitution is trying to be controlled, yet you may still see it throughout certain areas.

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