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Galway, Ireland | What do expats in Galway appreciate most about the local culture? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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The Long Walk in Galway, Ireland

What do expats in Galway appreciate most about the local culture?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they appreciate the most about the local culture in Galway. They wrote...

"Expats in Galway appreciate the city's vibrant culture, which is steeped in history and tradition. They enjoy the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of the city, as well as the lively music and art scenes. Galway is known for its lively pubs and traditional Irish music, which expats often take part in. The city also has a strong sense of community, with locals often gathering in the city's many parks and public spaces. Expats also appreciate the city's stunning natural beauty, with its rugged coastline and rolling hills," remarked another expat in Galway, Ireland.

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The Long Walk in Galway, Ireland

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