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Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | What do expats in Luxembourg City appreciate most about the local culture? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Flower Market in Luxembourg City

What do expats in Luxembourg City appreciate most about the local culture?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they appreciate the most about the local culture in Luxembourg City. They wrote...

"We truly appreciate how kind people are here! That really surprised us. For the most part, people are very helpful and considerate. We love that it's a small country and that they take very good care of their people. The medical system is really good. The cost for all public transportation within all of Luxembourg is only 45euros for a monthly pass which to us is very reasonable. Students can purchase an annual, all access pass for a little more. The very first thing we noticed was how quiet it is here, even in the city. It's a very clean and neat country. It's fairly safe here too. We love the diversity of cultures that have merged here," said another expat in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

"Expats in Luxembourg City often appreciate the city’s mix of cultures and languages, as well as the cultural diversity of its population. Expats also appreciate the welcoming nature of Luxembourg’s locals, along with their willingness to assist newcomers in learning to fit in more seamlessly. Luxembourg also offers excellent public transport, which makes navigating the different areas of the city easier. Additionally, locals are known for their unusual appreciation of quality and creativity in many areas, from locally-produced food, to fashion, music, and artwork," wrote a member who made the move to Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

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What do expats in Luxembourg City appreciate most about the local culture?

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Flower Market in Luxembourg City

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