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Nafplio, Greece | What do expats find most challenging? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do expats find most challenging?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they find the most challenging about the local culture in Nafplio. They wrote...

"Expats in Nafplio often find the language barrier to be the most challenging aspect of the local culture. Greek is a difficult language to learn and not everyone in Nafplio speaks English, which can make everyday tasks like shopping or asking for directions difficult. Another challenge is adjusting to the Greek concept of time, which is more relaxed and flexible than in many other cultures. This can be frustrating for expats who are used to strict schedules and punctuality. The bureaucracy in Greece can also be a challenge for expats. Dealing with government offices and paperwork can be a slow and complicated process, which can be particularly difficult for those who do not speak Greek. Additionally, some expats may find it challenging to adapt to the local customs and social norms. For example, Greeks tend to be very hospitable and social, which can be overwhelming for those who are more introverted or value their privacy. Lastly, while Nafplio is a beautiful and historic city, it is also a small one, and some expats may find the lack of certain amenities and services that they are used to in larger cities to be a challenge," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Nafplio, Greece.

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