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Coffs Harbour, Australia | Is the cost of living in Coffs Harbour high? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Is the cost of living in Coffs Harbour high?

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We asked people how much they someone comfortably live on in Coffs Harbour, they wrote...

"The cost of living in Coffs Harbour is considered to be relatively moderate compared to other Australian cities. Housing is more affordable than in larger cities like Sydney or Melbourne, with the cost of renting or buying a home being significantly lower. Utilities such as electricity, heating, cooling, and garbage services are also reasonably priced. Groceries in Coffs Harbour are priced similarly to the rest of Australia, with fresh produce and meat being slightly cheaper due to the region's agricultural industry. Eating out at restaurants or getting takeaway food is also relatively affordable, with a wide range of options to suit different budgets. Transportation costs in Coffs Harbour are also lower than in larger cities. Many residents choose to drive, with the cost of petrol being comparable to the national average. Public transportation is also available and is reasonably priced. Healthcare in Coffs Harbour is a mix of public and private providers. The cost can vary depending on whether you have private health insurance or rely on the public system. Overall, while the cost of living in Coffs Harbour is not the cheapest in Australia, it is significantly more affordable than in larger cities, making it an attractive place to live for many people," commented one expat who made the move to Coffs Harbour, Australia.

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