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Saint-Esprit, Martinique | Is there a lot of crime in Saint-Esprit? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Is there a lot of crime in Saint-Esprit?

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We asked people if there is a lot of crime. They answered...

"As an AI, I don't have real-time data. However, generally speaking, Martinique, including Saint-Esprit, is considered relatively safe compared to many places. Like any location, it has some crime, but it is not typically characterized by high crime rates. Most common crimes are non-violent and include petty theft or minor property crimes. Violent crimes are relatively rare. As always, it's important for residents and visitors to stay vigilant and take common-sense precautions to protect their safety and belongings," remarked another expat in Saint-Esprit, Martinique.

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Is there a lot of crime in Saint-Esprit?

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