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Guangzhou, China | Should I buy or rent a home in Guangzhou? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Should I buy or rent a home in Guangzhou?

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If you have not spent a lot of time in Guangzhou, you should rent before even thinking about buying. We asked expats there about the buy vs. rent decision...

"If you are planning on staying in Guangzhou for an extended period of time, buying a home is often a better financial decision than renting. Owning a home will provide you the stability of not having to worry about sudden rent increases, and you can also make money on your investment if you decide to sell it in the future. Additionally, buying a home in Guangzhou gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the local area and culture and create deeper roots in the community. On the other hand, renting may be a better option if you are not yet sure on how long you plan to live in Guangzhou, since it can be costlier to break a long term contract than a short term rental," remarked another expat who made the move to Guangzhou, China, China.

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Should I buy or rent a home in Guangzhou?

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