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Pedasi, Panama | What are the schools in Pedasi like? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What are the schools in Pedasi like?

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When we asked about the schools in Pedasi, they said...

"Pedasi, is a small town known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture. However, it does not have a wide range of international or bilingual schools. Most of the educational institutions in Pedasi are local schools. One of the closest international schools to Pedasi is the Oxford International School in Panama City. This school offers a bilingual education in English and Spanish, and it follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. The school's website is https://www.ois.edu.pa/. Another option is the Metropolitan School of Panama, also located in Panama City. This school offers a bilingual education and follows the IB curriculum as well. The school's website is https://www.themetropolitanschool.com/. The International School of Panama is another option in Panama City. It offers a bilingual education in English and Spanish and follows an American-style curriculum. The school's website is https://www.isp.edu.pa/. For families living in Pedasi who want a bilingual education for their children, one option might be online schooling or homeschooling, possibly supplemented by local tutoring in Spanish," explained one expat living in Pedasi, Panama.

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