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Guangzhou, China | What should I pack when moving to Guangzhou? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What should I pack when moving to Guangzhou?

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We asked people living in Guangzhou to list three things they wish they had brought and three they wish they had left behind. They responded...

"When moving to Guangzhou, it is important to remember to pack comfortable, lightweight clothing in natural easy-breathable fabrics due to hot, humid temperatures in summer. It is also advisable to bring an umbrella and a raincoat due to the frequent heavy rain and extended monsoons. Shoes that can be easily removed for entering houses and temples is recommended. In terms of healthcare, it is important to bring prescription medication and over the counter medicine, as well as a first aid kit. Depending on the length of stay, bringing cooking utensils, furniture, and bedding may be necessary. Lastly, travellers may want to bring a guide book for navigating around the city," said another expat in Guangzhou, China, China.

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What should I pack when moving to Guangzhou?

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