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Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | What do I need to know before moving to Luxembourg City? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Flower Market in Luxembourg City

What do I need to know before moving to Luxembourg City?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Luxembourg City, they said...

"-When you plan to move to Luxembourg City, it is important to be aware of the immigration laws and regulations. -You will need to obtain a residence permit and/or a work permit to live and work in Luxembourg City depending on your nationality and type of employment. -You need to familiarize yourself with the Luxembourgish language, although English is widely spoken in the city. -It is suggested to research the job market and housing options beforehand in order to make a smooth transition. -A valid EU driver’s license is necessary to drive while in Luxembourg City, as well as a valid form of identification. -Assuming you are not moving as an employee with a company, you may need to open a bank account in Luxembourg City. -The quality of healthcare in Luxembourg is generally deemed to be good, so registering for health insurance is recommended. -It is important to note that many documents like a passport and/or visa might be requested as part of the entry process. -The climate in Luxembourg city is typical of Central Europe, with moderate temperatures in summer, and cold temperatures in winter," wrote a member who made the move to Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

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What do I need to know before moving to Luxembourg City?

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Flower Market in Luxembourg City

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Fun, easy and effective language courses designed by language experts. Learn 41 languages from your native language. Anytime, anywhere, on any device.
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