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Athens, Greece | How are healthcare services in Athens? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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How are healthcare services in Athens?

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When we asked expats and global nomads about the quality of medical care in Athens, they replied...

"Healthcare services in Athens, consist of a mix of public and private providers, offering a range of medical services to both residents and visitors. The public healthcare system, known as the National Health System (ESY), provides free or low-cost healthcare to Greek citizens and European Union residents. Public hospitals and clinics in Athens are generally well-equipped and staffed by qualified medical professionals, although they may be overcrowded and have long waiting times. In addition to public healthcare facilities, Athens is home to numerous private hospitals and clinics that offer a higher standard of care and shorter waiting times. These private facilities often have more advanced equipment and English-speaking staff, making them a popular choice for expats and tourists. However, private healthcare services can be expensive, and it is recommended to have comprehensive health insurance to cover the costs. Primary healthcare services in Athens are provided by a network of local health centers and private general practitioners. Pharmacies are widely available throughout the city, with many open 24 hours a day, providing easy access to prescription and over-the-counter medications. Specialist care, including dental and mental health services, is also available in Athens, with both public and private providers offering a range of treatments. Emergency medical services can be accessed by calling the national emergency number, 166, which will dispatch an ambulance if necessary. Overall, healthcare services in Athens are of a good standard, with a combination of public and private providers catering to the diverse needs of the city's population. However, it is essential to have adequate health insurance to ensure access to the best possible care and to avoid high out-of-pocket expenses," said another expat in Athens, Greece.

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Crowded Market in Athens, Greece

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