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Porlamar, Venezuela | What do people like (and dislike) about Porlamar? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do people like (and dislike) about Porlamar?

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When we asked expats and global nomads what they like and dislike about living in Porlamar, they replied...

"Expats and digital nomads living in Porlamar, often like the beautiful beaches, warm climate, and stunning natural scenery that the area offers. They also appreciate the low cost of living, which allows them to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank. The friendly and welcoming locals make it easy for expats to feel at home and integrate into the community. On the other hand, expats and digital nomads may dislike the political instability and economic challenges that Venezuela is currently facing. This can lead to issues such as high crime rates, shortages of basic goods, and unreliable public services. Additionally, the lack of reliable internet and limited options for coworking spaces can be frustrating for digital nomads who rely on connectivity for their work. Finally, the language barrier can be a challenge for those who do not speak Spanish, as English is not widely spoken in Porlamar," commented one expat who made the move to Porlamar, Venezuela.

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What do people like (and dislike) about Porlamar?

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