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Baku, Azerbaijan | What do people like (and dislike) about Baku? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Fountain Square in Baku, Azerbaijan

What do people like (and dislike) about Baku?

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When we asked expats and global nomads what they like and dislike about living in Baku, they replied...

"Expats and digital nomads living in Baku, often like the city's rich history and unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures. They appreciate the stunning architecture, including modern buildings like the Flame Towers and historical sites like the Old City. The low cost of living is another attractive feature, as it allows for a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank. The local cuisine is also a highlight, with a variety of delicious dishes to try. The public transportation system in Baku is generally efficient and affordable, making it easy for expats and digital nomads to get around the city. Additionally, the city is relatively safe, with low crime rates and a strong police presence. On the other hand, expats and digital nomads may find the language barrier to be a significant challenge, as not everyone speaks English, and learning Azerbaijani can be difficult. The bureaucracy and paperwork involved in obtaining visas and work permits can also be frustrating and time-consuming. Air pollution is a concern in Baku, as the city has a high level of pollution due to its oil industry and heavy traffic. The weather can also be a downside, with hot and humid summers and cold, windy winters. Lastly, some expats and digital nomads may find the conservative nature of Azerbaijani society to be restrictive, particularly when it comes to socializing and dating. The limited availability of international products and services can also be a drawback for those who are used to a more cosmopolitan lifestyle," said a member in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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What do people like (and dislike) about Baku?

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