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Athens, Greece | What do people like (and dislike) about Athens? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do people like (and dislike) about Athens?

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When we asked expats and global nomads what they like and dislike about living in Athens, they replied...

"I love the area where I live and honestly I wish there was more incentives for homeowners / landlords to rent out their place to locals rather than use them for Airbnb. It is nearly impossible to find a nice modern place for a decent rate in the area. and I understand why they do it because owners pay a much lower tax rate to rent out to tourists vs locals. They should do something about that because it's a big problem," explained one expat living in Athens, Greece.

"Expats and digital nomads generally like the rich history and culture of Athens, with its numerous archaeological sites, museums, and ancient monuments. They appreciate the relatively low cost of living, which allows for a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank. The Mediterranean climate, with its warm summers and mild winters, is also a big draw for many. The food scene in Athens is diverse and delicious, with an abundance of fresh produce, local cuisine, and international options. The city's vibrant nightlife, with its lively bars, clubs, and music venues, is another attractive feature. Additionally, the friendly and hospitable nature of the Greek people makes it easy for expats and digital nomads to feel welcome and at home. On the other hand, some expats and digital nomads may dislike the bureaucracy and inefficiency that can be encountered when dealing with government offices and paperwork. The Greek economy has faced significant challenges in recent years, which can lead to job insecurity and limited opportunities for career advancement. The public transportation system in Athens, while extensive, can be crowded and unreliable at times. Air pollution and traffic congestion are also common issues in the city. Finally, the language barrier can be a challenge for some, as not everyone in Athens speaks English fluently, making it necessary for expats and digital nomads to learn some Greek to navigate daily life more easily," said another in Athens, Greece.

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What do people like (and dislike) about Athens?

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