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Perugia, Italy | What do people like (and dislike) about Perugia? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Perugia, Italy

What do people like (and dislike) about Perugia?

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When we asked expats and global nomads what they like and dislike about living in Perugia, they replied...

"Expats and digital nomads living in Perugia appreciate the city's rich history, culture, and architecture. They also enjoy the city's vibrant nightlife, with plenty of bars, restaurants, and cafes to explore. Additionally, the city's close proximity to other cities in Italy, such as Rome and Florence, makes it an ideal base for exploring the country. On the downside, expats and digital nomads may find the cost of living in Perugia to be quite high, and the city can be quite crowded during peak tourist season," said another in Perugia, Italy.

Italian For A WhileItalian For A While

Become ‘Italian for a While’ with IFA! Live in Italy on a 1-week to 12-month program - open to students, young adults, graduates, digital nomads, professionals, groups, faculty-led programs, and more. Take courses at an accredited local university while immersing yourself in the language, life, and culture among your international peers. Submit an inquiry with IFA to learn more.

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Italian For A WhileItalian For A While

Become ‘Italian for a While’ with IFA! Live in Italy on a 1-week to 12-month program - open to students, young adults, graduates, digital nomads, professionals, groups, faculty-led programs, and more. Take courses at an accredited local university while immersing yourself in the language, life, and culture among your international peers. Submit an inquiry with IFA to learn more.

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What do people like (and dislike) about Perugia?

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Perugia, Italy

Italian For A While
Italian For A While

Become 'Italian for a While' - for students, young adults, graduates, digital nomads, and professionals! Live out your dreams in Italy while learning Italian and immersing in the language, life, and culture.
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Italian For A WhileItalian For A While

Become 'Italian for a While' - for students, young adults, graduates, digital nomads, and professionals! Live out your dreams in Italy while learning Italian and immersing in the language, life, and culture.
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Digital-Nomad-Visa-for-ItalyDigital Nomad Visa for Italy

Learn about the Digital Nomad Visa for Italy and what is involved in obtaining one. This is one of the most important aspects of moving to Italy as a digital nomad.

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