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Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | What do people like (and dislike) about Luxembourg City? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Flower Market in Luxembourg City

What do people like (and dislike) about Luxembourg City?

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When we asked expats and global nomads what they like and dislike about living in Luxembourg City, they replied...

"Expats and digital nomads generally like living in Luxembourg City for its high standard of living, safety, and cleanliness. They appreciate the city's rich history, beautiful architecture, and numerous green spaces. Luxembourg City is also known for its multicultural environment, with a large expat community and locals who are often multilingual, making it easier for newcomers to adapt and make friends. The city's central location in Europe is another advantage, as it allows for easy travel to neighboring countries like France, Germany, and Belgium. The public transportation system is efficient and affordable, making it convenient for expats and digital nomads to get around. However, there are some aspects of living in Luxembourg City that expats and digital nomads may dislike. The cost of living is quite high, particularly when it comes to housing, which can be a challenge for those on a tight budget. The job market can also be competitive, especially for those who do not speak the local languages. The weather in Luxembourg City can be unpredictable, with cold winters and rainy days throughout the year, which may not be appealing to everyone. Additionally, some expats and digital nomads may find the city to be relatively small and quiet, with limited nightlife and entertainment options compared to larger European cities. In summary, Luxembourg City offers a high quality of life, safety, and a multicultural environment, but it also comes with a high cost of living and a competitive job market. The city's size and weather may also be less appealing to some expats and digital nomads," remarked another expat in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

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Flower Market in Luxembourg City

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