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Porlamar, Venezuela | What are medical services in Porlamar like? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What are medical services in Porlamar like?

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When we asked expats and global nomads about the quality of medical care in Porlamar, they replied...

"Medical services in Porlamar, are limited due to the ongoing economic crisis and lack of resources. Public hospitals and clinics often face shortages of essential medicines, medical supplies, and equipment. Patients may experience long waiting times and inadequate care. Private healthcare facilities are available but can be expensive, and they may also face shortages of supplies. It is recommended for visitors to bring their own medications and to seek medical care outside of Venezuela in case of serious illness or injury," remarked another expat in Porlamar, Venezuela.

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What are medical services in Porlamar like?

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Cigna Global HealthCigna Global Health

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