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Abidjan, Ivory Coast | Why do people move to Abidjan? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Why do people move to Abidjan?

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When we asked people why foreigners move to Abidjan, they responded...

"Abidjan, is a great destination for expats due to its diverse and vibrant culture, bustling city life, and beautiful beaches. It is home to one of the continent's highest concentrations of both French and English-speaking inhabitants, making it an appealing destination for expats from both Europe and Japan. The climate in Abidjan is tropical, with temperatures remaining warm year-round, complemented by a variety of recreational activities, including shopping, beach-going, wildlife watching and nightlife. Additionally, Abidjan offers a low cost of living, a variety of housing options, good medical facilities, and excellent job prospects. Finally, the city boasts a large and active expat community, ensuring that new arrivals can settle in quickly and easily," explained one expat living in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

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Why do people move to Abidjan?

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