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Bolivia | What do I need to know before retiring in Bolivia? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do I need to know before retiring in Bolivia?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Bolivia, they said...

"Be carefull at some parts of the city there can be pickpocket or armed robberies," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Cochabamba, Bolivia.

"Before retiring in Bolivia, expats should be aware of the country's language and culture. It is important to learn Spanish, as it is the official language of Bolivia. Additionally, expats should research the cost of living in the country, as it is generally lower than in other countries. It is also important to research the healthcare system in Bolivia, as it may not be as comprehensive as in other countries. Additionally, expats should be aware of the climate in Bolivia, as it can vary greatly depending on the region. Finally, expats should research the visa requirements for Bolivia, as they may need to obtain a visa in order to stay in the country for an extended period of time," commented one expat who made the move to Bolivia.

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What do I need to know before retiring in Bolivia?

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