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New Jersey | What do people like (and dislike) about New Jersey? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Natirar Park in Peapack-Gladstone, NJ

What do people like (and dislike) about New Jersey?

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When we asked expats and global nomads what they like and dislike about living in New Jersey, they replied...

"People generally like the convenience of living in New Jersey, as it is close to major cities like New York and Philadelphia. Additionally, the state has a diverse population and a variety of cultural attractions. People also appreciate the natural beauty of the state, with its beaches, mountains, and forests. On the other hand, some people dislike the high cost of living in New Jersey, as well as the traffic congestion in some areas," explained one expat living in New Jersey.

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What do people like (and dislike) about New Jersey?

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Natirar Park in Peapack-Gladstone, NJ

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