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Martinique | What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like?

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When we asked expats and global nomads in Martinique about their experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system, they replied...

"The pandemic has had a significant impact on the healthcare system in Martinique. The healthcare system has had to adapt to the changing needs of the population, including the implementation of telemedicine services and the expansion of hospital capacity. The government has also provided additional funding to support the healthcare system, including the purchase of additional medical equipment and the hiring of additional healthcare professionals. Despite these efforts, the healthcare system has been strained due to the increased demand for services, resulting in longer wait times and delays in care. Additionally, the pandemic has highlighted the need for improved access to healthcare services in rural areas, as well as the need for increased public health education and awareness," said a member in Martinique.

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GeoBlue is a trusted leader in international health insurance. Wherever your destination, GeoBlue can keep you and your family covered with the right health insurance. Get a GeoBlue Quote Today!
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What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like?

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William Russell

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