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Is the cost of living in France high?

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French Riviera House Hunting - FRH
French Riviera House Hunting - FRH
French Riviera House Hunting - FRH

We asked people about the cost of living in France, they wrote...

"France is generally considered to have a higher cost of living compared to the rest of Europe. Large cities - such as Paris, Nice, and Lyon - tend to have higher prices for accommodation, transportation, and dining compared to other parts of the country. The rent for a nice 1-bedroom apartment in France ranges from about 800 to 1,600 US Dollars (USD) per month, while a nice 2-bedroom apartment goes for 1,000 to 2,400 USD per month. On average, a dinner at a moderately priced restaurant can cost between 20 to 30 USD per person," commented one expat who made the move to France.

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We are the best possible negotiator to help our expatriate clients to safely, efficiently and effectively find the right property in the right place in the French Riviera. Whether buying or renting, French Riviera House Hunting's objective is to find the best place for you, making sure that there are no hidden problems in the acquisition or renting process!

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French Riviera House Hunting - FRHFrench Riviera House Hunting - FRH

We are the best possible negotiator to help our expatriate clients to safely, efficiently and effectively find the right property in the right place in the French Riviera. Whether buying or renting, French Riviera House Hunting's objective is to find the best place for you, making sure that there are no hidden problems in the acquisition or renting process!

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"Affordable. It's a small town, which means housing and food costs are low, but there's lots of cultural value to be had, which makes the living experience even more valuable," remarked another expat in Epinal, France.

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Is the cost of living in France high?

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About the Author

Joshua Wood Joshua Wood, LPC is one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange and serves as Co-President of Expat Exchange. Prior to Expat Exchange and Digital Nomad Exchange, Joshua worked for NBC Cable (MSNBC and CNBC Primetime). Joshua has a BA from Syracuse and a Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Mr. Wood is also a licensed counselor and psychotherapist.

Some of Joshua's articles include Pros and Cons of Living in Portugal, 10 Best Places to Live in Ireland and Pros and Cons of Living in Uruguay. Connect with Joshua on LinkedIn.

Cafe in Paris

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French Riviera House Hunting - FRH

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